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Job Opening @ the Library
Children's Librarian Full-time...
We Need Your Help! Toiletry Drive
Providing dignity, confidence, and peace of mind. Here's a list...
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Learn how to turn trash into compost, a resource that can be used to improve soil and plants. Presented by Amy Aldenderfer, our County Extension Horticulture Agent.
Dying without a will allows the State to decide who inherits and it may not be who you thought or want it to be! Your will allows you to control how your estate is handled when you no longer have a voice. Registration required: Just click the picture...
HCPL is developing Community Care Cabinets, and to help us get started, we are requesting toiletry donations! Providing dignity, confidence, and peace of mind. Click on picture to see list...
Dayna Fentress, our County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Services, will present this month’s recipe: Crunchy Air Fryer Fish.
Children's Librarian Full-time...
Providing dignity, confidence, and peace of mind. Here's a list...