HCPL is developing Community Care Cabinets, and to help us get started, we are requesting toiletry donations! Providing dignity, confidence, and peace of mind. Click on picture to see list...
Adult Winter Reading Challenge
Adult Winter Reading Challenge | January 1 - February 28 Pick up a form from the library or click on picture to print from here: This reading challenge is for our patrons ages 18 and over. Please return your form by February 28.
Cooking through the Calendar
Dayna Fentress, our County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Services, will present this month’s recipe:
Split Pea Soup.
Gardening 101: Early Veggies
Learn what you can get started with now in order to have a bumper crop later in the season! Presented by our Cooperative Extension Horticulture Agent Amy Aldenderfer.
Our Winter Warming Tree is back!
We are now accepting donations of new or handmade coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and socks for all ages. Please bring your items to the front circulation desk and we will take care of displaying them in the lobby.