How to...?
Get a Library card

Getting a library card is easy. If you live, own property, work, or go to school in Hardin County, you are entitled to a free library card. The card is good at the Main Library and on the Bookmobile. People who do not qualify for a free card are able to pay an annual fee for a non-resident Hardin County Public Library card.
You may register in person at the Main Library or on the Bookmobile during normal operating hours.
You must present your library card every time you check out an item or use a computer. If you have forgotten your card, photo identification may be used in its place.
To register in person:
Adult Library Card (for those who live, own property, work or go to school in Hardin Co.)
All applicants MUST present valid photo identification. This identification must be issued by a legitimate Government agency or organization. This identification MUST be current. This type of identification would include:
- Driver's license
- Military ID
- Passport
- ID
If you do not possess a photo ID, you may obtain one by presenting your birth certificate and social security card at the circuit court clerk's office in your home county. If the form of valid photo identification includes the applicant’s current address, the photo identification can serve as proof of current address as well. If the applicant does not have identification with the current address as described above, present the ID along with ONE form of current address verification as follows:
- Piece of mail postmarked in the last two weeks
- Pay stub issued in the last two weeks
- Voter Registration Card
- Lease/Deed Agreement
- Current utility bill in the borrowers name dated within one month
A post office box does not qualify as a street address. Borrower must verify actual home address. However, post office boxes can be used as a mailing address in the borrower's computer record. (The actual street address can be entered into the alternate address field in the computer record.)
If the applicant does not live in Hardin County, then it must be verification must show that he/she owns property, works, or goes to school in Hardin County. Examples of verification include:
- Work or school ID
- School report card
- Pay stub
- Property tax notification
Juvenile Library Card (for children and teens under 18 years old):
- Residents of Hardin County under 18 years of age may register for a library with signature of parent or legal guardian who resides at the same address. By signing for the card, parent or legal guardian assumes legal responsibility. The parent or legal guardian must meet proof of residency requirements.
NOTE: If the child's parents do not reside together and have joint custody, the parent living in Hardin County must sign for the child to receive a library card. If both parents live in Hardin County, only one card will be issued with one parent signing for responsibility. If the child's address is different from the signing parents, staff will use the signing parent's address on the borrower's record as the mailing address and the child's address in the alternate address fields. The Library will not issue two cards with each parent as the responsible party.
Juvenile Renewal –
- Juvenile Library Cards expire every year from date of issue. The borrower's parent or legal guardian must show identification with name and current address, or photo ID and proof of current address at time of renewal.
- Borrowers who are 16 or 17 year old may use their Kentucky driver's license to update registration in lieu of parent/guardian. ALL FINES AND/OR LOST MATERIALS MUST BE PAID OR RETURNED BEFORE THE CARD WILL BE RENEWED.
Juvenile Restrictions -
- First time use of Juvenile Library Card is limited to five (5) items.
- No DVDs may be checked out on a Juvenile Library Card.
Non-Resident Library Cards (for those who do NOT live, own property, work, or attend school in Hardin County):
- Present valid identification and proof of current address as outlined in "Adult Library Card".
- Payment of an annual $10.00 fee by cash or personal check.
- Non-resident cards expire after one year and are only renewed upon payment of the next year's $10.00 annual fee. All fines and fees must be paid in full before the card can be renewed.
Temporary Cards (for those who live in Hardin County for a short time or do not permanently live in the county):
Examples of patrons eligible for a temporary card: People who have been transferred to Hardin County on a temporary basis or are visiting relatives long-term.
To apply for a temporary library card present valid photo identification, proof of temporary residency, and proof of permanent address.
Temporary cards have the following special restrictions:
- Limit of five items at one time.
- Those five items must be returned before more materials may be borrowed.
- No videos, DVDs, audio books, or interlibrary loan materials may be borrowed.
- This card expires in 180 days and cannot be renewed.
To renew a card:
All HCPL library cards expire one year from the date issued. We need to check your address, so be prepared to show proof of address. Cards cannot be renewed until all overdue materials are returned and all fines/fees are paid in full.
Lost cards:
Please report LOST or STOLEN cards at 769-6337 immediately; anything checked out on your card is your responsibility. There is a small replacement fee for a lost or stolen library card.
Change of address:
Please report any address, phone, or name changes to the library.
DO report any loss or damage to materials borrowed on your card.
DO notify the library immediately if your card is lost: 769-6337
DO NOT lend your card to others. Items checked out on your card are your responsibility.
Get Email Notification

Email notification is the quick, easy, and environmentally friendly way to receive notices from the Library. We can send notices that your reserved items are ready to pick up, a reminder three days before your books are due, and overdue notices at one, two, and three weeks. By selecting email notification, you are helping the library to use its dollars more efficiently – we can reduce the number of mailers purchased, reduce staff time to run and stamp the notices, and reduce the number of stamps purchased.
You can add an email to your account with a staff member at either branch!
Renew A Book

You can renew your library materials in three different ways:
In Person
You can renew items in person at the Main Library or on the Bookmobile during normal operating hours. While we are always delighted to see you, unless you're coming in anyway, why waste the gasoline?
Over the Telephone
Just give us a call at 769-6337 during normal business hours and tell us who you are. We will renew while you hold.
You can renew online through the Library Catalog any time of the day or any day of the week. You can renew from home, work, or even on vacation. All you need is a computer and internet access. Here's how it works:
- Enter the "Library Catalog" through - click on Patron Account.
- Type in your Barcode Number with no spaces. Type in your Password. Click the Log In button (Below the password). If you don't have a Password, give us a call at 769-6337
- Click on Items Out (upper left).
Note: You may Renew Selected Items or Renew All Items. - To Renew Selected Items you must first put a checkmark next to each item you want to renew and then click on Renew Selected Items (below the list of titles).
- To Renew All Items click on Renew All Items (below the list of titles).
Note: You will see a message appear about the renewal status of your items. Click BACK to check the new due date for your materials.
To log out: Click on Log Out (top right). Don't forget to Log Out or everybody will be able to see what you are reading!
Why won't my materials renew?
- The item has been requested by another user
- The maximum renewal limit has been reached
- Movies cannot be renewed
- Library card is blocked due to accumulated fines and/or fees of more than $10.00
- Library card has expired (library cards expire after one year; to renew, bring verification of current address to the Main Library or the Boomobile)
Reserve A Book

Reserves or holds are on a first-come, first-served basis. The Library cannot guarantee any book will be available by a certain date. Once the item you have placed on reserve is in the Library, you will be notified by either telephone or email. The Library is not responsible if our message is not passed on to the person placing the request. Holds are kept at the specified pick-up Library for three days. On the fourth day, your hold is cancelled and the next person in line called.
Holds can be placed either in the Library or online.
In Person or over the telephone
If you are in the Library and need to place a reserve, ask anyone at the front desk to place the hold for you. If you are at home and don't have access to a computer, just give us a call.
You can also place your reserve from any of our computers. Just follow the instructions for placing a reserve on online.
- Go to
- Click the “Search Catalog” tab.
- Click "Log On" in Account box, top right.
- Enter the barcode from the back of your library card
- Enter your 4-digit password (By default, the last 4 digits of your barcode. Not working? Call us at 270-769-6337.
- Click the "Home" tab. Use the search options to find a book you want to reserve.
- Click on the title.
- You'll see two tabs: Summary & Holdings.
- Click "Holdings"
- Click "Reserve"
- A box will show up confirming that you want to reserve the title.
- Choose "HCPL - Main Branch" as the pickup location (unless you are an Outreach patron or require delivery at the Radcliff Community Center).
- Click "OK" and a box will appear saying you have successfully reserved the item.
- You will receive a text or email (depending upon your notification preference) alerting you that your items are available for pickup.
- Please note: the Bookbag associated with your account is a wishlist into which you can place titles you might be interested in in the future; placing a title in your bookbag does not place it on reserve.
If the book you're looking for is not in our catalog, then either submit a "Suggestion for Purchase" or for older titles "Interlibrary Loan".
Why didn't my reserve work:
- You may already have the book on reserve, please read on screen messages
- Your library card is blocked due to accumulated fines/fees of more than $10.00
- Library card has expired (library cards expire after one year; to renew, bring verification of current address to either the Main Library or the Boomobile)

Suggest a book for purchase
The Library staff searches for good books and other items to add to our collection by reading book reviews and publisher announcements. With the great number of books published each year, it is almost impossible to find everything we think people will like to read.
If you have read about an interesting book or seen an author interviewed on television, please let us know about it. Read the full text of the Suggestion For Purchase policy. You can submit your request by the online interactive form or in person.
Do not request the forthcoming books by popular authors – we have already placed the order.

Make a Gift Donation
Every Contribution makes a difference! Monetary donations help us bring new items to everyone and support popular programs which will provide enjoyment to our community for years to come.
Please mail completed forms to:
100 Jim Owen Drive,
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Donation Options:
Donation Amount
Named or anonymously
Area of interest
In memory/honor of, with nameplate

Friends of the Library
Becoming a member is easy! Just print and fill out the FOL membership form, then mail completed form to:
FOL Membership
P.O. Box 346
Elizabethtown, KY 42702
Membership Options:
Students: $5.00
Individual: $10.00
Family: $20.00
Small Business: $25.00
Benefactor/Corporate: $100.00
Lifetime: $200.00

Click the link below for our volunteer application!